Anti-Eviction Mapping Project

Anti-Eviction Mapping Project

Documenting the dispossession of San Francisco Bay Area residents. The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project is a data-visualization, data analysis, and storytelling collective documenting the dispossession of San Francisco Bay Area residents in the wake of the Tech Boom 2.0....
Refugee Republic

Refugee Republic

Refugee Republic is an interactive transmedia documentary about everyday life in Domiz Camp, a Syrian refugee camp in northern Iraq. The aim of the makers, artist Jan Rothuizen, multimedia journalist Martijn van Tol, photographer Dirk Jan Visser and webdeveloper Aart...
Sensory Maps: Urban Smellscapes

Sensory Maps: Urban Smellscapes

  Smells form part of our knowing, but are elusive, often disappearing before they can be pinned down. Smell perception is an invisible and currently under-presented dataset with strong connections to emotions and memory. Project launched by Kate McLean, who is...
Simulizi Mijini on Bagamoyo News

Simulizi Mijini on Bagamoyo News

The news blog Bagamoyo News published an article about the Simulizi Mijini Symposium, which took place on April 1st 2016, in Dar es Salaam. Abdul Hai even mentionned that the symosium “succeeded in hitting the point that the urban heritage [is] heavily...