This is the full programme for the symposium which took place on April 1st, 2016 at the British Council in Dar es Salaam.
International Symposium on Urban Heritage:
The Dar Centre for Architectural Heritage (DARCH) in collaboration with Simulizi Mijini / Urban Narratives, a programme supported by the Habitat Unit (Technical University Berlin) and the Architects Association of Tanzania have the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the
International Symposium “Simulizi Mijini/Urban Narratives“
1 April 2016, 9am – 5pm
@ The British Council, Samora Avenue, Dar es Salaam
Urban Heritage: What is it? Whose is it? Who defines it?
Urithi m’jini: Ni nini? Wa nani? Nani anafafanua?
How can it build inclusive cities?
Urithi m’jini unawezaje kujenga miji shirikishi?
We will present international examples of inclusive heritage practices and discuss their relevance for the context of Dar es Salaam.
Speakers and moderators:
Yasar Adanali (Reclaim Istanbul, Istanbul)
Comfort Badaru (ANZA magazine, Dar es Salaam)
Anne Katrin Fenz (MOD Institute, Bengaluru)
Antoni Folkers, Marie Morel, Iga Perzyna (African Architecture Matters, Zanzibar)
Iain Jackson (Envisioning the Indian City, Liverpool School of Architecture)
Muhammad Juma (Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Zanzibar)
Johan Lagae (European Architecture Beyond Europe, Ghent University)
Hannah Le Roux (University of Witswatersrand, Johannesburg)
Joy Mboya (GoDown Arts Center, Nairobi)
Deoagratias Minja (Tandale Community Mapping, Dar es Salaam)
Philipp Misselwitz (Habitat Unit, Berlin)
Aida Mulokozi, Annika Seifert (DARCH, Dar es Salaam)
Curated by Diane Barbé & Rachel Lee

Iain Jackson spoke about the ETIC Project (Envisioning the Indian City) where a mobile app was developed to allow users to see old pictures of the buildings they are standing in front of.

Joy Mboya presented the Nai Ni festival in Nairobi, which explores questions of identity and neighbourhood integration by transforming the debate into a joyful and involved festival.

During the final roundtable discussion, local experts and activists talked about the case of heritage in Dar.

Over forty stories depicting urban life in Dar were displayed. For three weeks in March, students from Ardhi University and TU Berlin collected interviews, mental maps and data about the residents’ perception of the city’s history. The chosen means of communication was the form of stories, to make them as accessible and inclusive as possible and transcend “experts only” debates.