We’re very happy to share the call for contributions for the forthcoming conference, ‘Urban Heritage Activism’ which will take place in Berlin, on 16-17th March 2017. We will also open the exhibition at ZK/U and launch the magazine collaboratively produced by Baunetz and ANZA magazine on this date. These are public events, and we invite all to attend!

Here is a brief description of the call, which can be downloaded in full below:

“Simulizi Mijini / Urban Narratives: Urban Heritage Activism”
The main focus is urban heritage, understood in the broad sense of the term –buildings, cultural practices, artistic inquiries, archives –considered especially in postcolonial contexts. Questions of architectural preservation, ‘shared’ heritage and the role of institutions, and most importantly: looking at responses ‘from below’ (community activism) are key topics, but we encourage applicants from all disciplines to apply.
Simulizi Mijini is an exchange program organised by the Habitat Unit (TU Berlin), chair for international urbanism and design, in collaboration with Ardhi University (Dar es Salaam, Tanazania), Zentrum fuer Kunst und Urbanistik (Berlin), Nafasi Art Space (Dar). For more information see the call attached or visit www.urbannarratives.org
Deadline for abstracts: December 18th
Please email: rachel.lee (at) tu-berlin.de

call for abstracts (PDF)